Behind this great man was a great... mother
"Saint Augustine and his mother, Saint Monica" by Ary Scheffer, 1846 Saint Augustine of Hippo was a mama’s boy!? Today, the traditional western European church celebrates Saint Monica’s day (c. 330 – 387 Anno Domini). She was the mother of Saint Augustine and the main reason – or insistence – for the great life and contribution to Christendom her son would have. Given in marriage to Patricius - a pagan Roman man - most of Monica’s young life would be spent in fervent prayer for her husband who, though of a violent nature and opposed to her Christian faith, always held her in high regard – like a true noble pagan man of old. She shared a home with a mother-in-law who, with her quarrelsome character, was an added pain to her life in a household where she felt as if she did not belong. Augustine was one of her three children surviving infancy, and his ill health until early adulthood was an added reason for fervent prayer on Monica's part. Upon regaining hea...